I am a self employed, free spirited entrepreneur who is driven by my passion for helping people and protecting the planet! My husband Matt and I live in a small rural town in the Northeast. We have a wonderful blessed life surrounded by family, friends and the occasional wildlife visitor. My passion for people and interest in the Healing Arts led me to co-found two Holistic Healing Centers in Northwest CT, Soleil Healing & Arts in 2007. It was an incredible time in my life in which I truly connected with who I am on a deep soul level. I became certified in numerous types of Healing Arts, took several classes, and began living my dream of helping others heal. The community of like minded people I was surrounded by on a daily basis was inspiring. I met many of my best friends, my ‘tribe’, through Soleil. Unfortunately, in 2009 the economy couldn’t support a small business in my area and I was forced to look for other income sources.

In a divine twist of fate in the summer of 2009,  I helped launch a Sustainable Lifestyle Company and for 8 years was able to live my dream of empowering entrepreneurs and educating people globally on less expensive, environmentally friendly ways to live their lives. During this time I was blessed to travel the world to remote communities where we did various service projects, like setting up libraries, brining clean water to villages and installing solar panels to places with no access to electricity. Those experiences have changed me as a person and deepened my respect for all human beings and our planet. We are far more alike than we are different.

That experience led me to my next adventure! I just helped launch a FOR PURPOSE technology company whose focus is innovative solutions to make life better for consumers and for people around the world. We focus very much on Social Good and I look forward to the excitement of the next chapter of my professional career! The group of people I am blessed to work with now are truly my soul family. We dream big, play full out and will not rest until we change the world!!!!

It is my dream to see people living in harmony with each other and nature. I want to share my experiences and the things I’ve learned along the way in hopes of impacting just 1 person. I continue to speak, train and educate people all over the world on how together we can make a difference!

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro