The End of an Era

This past week I got some big news about the Sustainable Lifestyle Company, Viridian, I’ve been representing for the past 8 years. If you've read my blog 'Good Mourning Sunshine' you know that from the first time I heard the word Viridian it was crystal clear it was a path I needed to follow. The Divine…

Digging Deep

I am no stranger to tough times. The road to personal growth and success is often paved with hardships, tragedies and lessons. There have been times I’ve deluded myself into believing because of my holistic training and support network I can ‘handle’ anything with ease and grace. Time and time again however, I am reminded…

The Great Sickness

I was blissfully unaware how infected with The Great Sickness I was until a few years ago. I grew up blessed enough to have 2 parents and big Italian family that loved, encouraged and supported me throughout my life. I went to Catholic school where I remained a child much longer than most and was…

Soldier of Love

  There is a battle being fought in this very moment. An ancient battle that has been going on since the dawn of humanity. It rages inside of us, rips through our relationships, tears at the fabric of our cities, our countries and could very well end up being the downfall of our species. “An…

Chasing Twilight

There is a special time each morning and each evening that when you stop, tune in and really immerse yourself in can change your life. After the high I experience each time I return from traveling, I find myself less excited to get back to my daily routine. Not because I don’t enjoy my life…

Take cover there’s a STORM coming!

Here’s the thing, the road to empowerment is not always an easy breezy summer day. A lot of the time it’s more akin to an unpredictable storm. With the recent barrage of unstable weather both locally and globally I can’t help but notice how the weather mirrors human emotions in so many ways. What if…

Breathe life into your dreams!

Writing is a great personal development practice because it invites us to take concepts that form in our minds and put them to paper, making our thoughts concrete. It’s not a negotiation. Once we have written down something—be it a thought, idea or desire—we have put it out into the universe. We cannot take it…